The Presentation Manger

Your brand shines through

Looks Just Like You

Achieve cohesive branding with ease. Think of the Presentation Manager template as a wrapper around your content or product.
Unlimited Templates
Create as many different presentations as you like to reflect all facets of your organization and offering.
Responsive By Nature
The Presentation Manager will make your forms look great no matter what device - Desktop, Tablet or Mobile.
Easy Setup or CSS Control
It takes less than 2 minutes to create and style a Presentation Manager. If you want more control, you even have access to the CSS.

We Have You Covered

Create a consistent brand experience wherever your customers interact

Donation or Purchase

It doesn’t matter if you’re using a Donate2, Stream2, or Flex2 Form they all benefit from the Presentation Manager.

Customer Service

The Presentation Manager provides consistent branding when accessing the Customer Portal login to manage recurring payments.

Streaming Experience

Use a Presentation Manager to brand the entire purchase, authentication, and Brightcove Gallery In-Page viewing experience.


Branding their complete digital product line

Donation Forms
Streaming Subscription Forms
Streaming Rental Forms
Customer Portal
“Amazing features that add the perfect element of branding, self-service, and communications. We all can’t express enough how impressed we are with your products.”
Robert Derby
Director of IT

More Great Examples

It takes less than 2 minutes to create and add a presentation to a form

Nashville Symphony Fashion Show
State Theatre New Jersey Wine Tasing
Pittsburgh Opera Donations
“We are absolutely loving the Presentation Manager. It completely elevates the forms. They look so sharp and on brand. Thanks!”
Devan Mercurio
Assistant Manager of Individual Giving

Create Your 2Account Today

It takes less than 2 minutes