Tessitura Network focuses on supporting arts and cultural organizations of all sizes to achieve organizational success by using Tessitura in the way that best suits their needs, whether out of the box or as a platform for innovation.
Powering Arts & Cultural Organizations
Learn more about how Tessitura Network powers the success of arts and cultural organizations around the globe.
Access The Tessitura Documentation
This documentation details the steps for installing and configuring the integration between your account and Tessitura.
With our 18+ years of Tessitura experience, we have developed over 100 websites, multiple products and countless special projects. We developed using the v15 REST API and we are ready for v16.
Consortium Friendly
For organizations in a consortium, we fully support you and control groups! Each organization can have their own account and everything works great.
Full Address
We support full address collection on a form, address collection from Apple Pay or Google Pay, or we can use a default address you specify when making a new account.
When accepting payment you can use a Tessitura fund. Funds typically have a non-friendly naming convention. We provide the ability to name the fund with a patron friendly name. When you give a patron the options to select what fund they want the donation applied to, you can present friendly names.
On Account
On Account is an option and allows you to collect money without specifying a fund or ticketed performance. With On Account, we generate a CSI so you know the origination and amount of money paid by the patron.
Performance & Price Type
Performance and Price Type can be used to sell a ticket, digital performance, or a free registration using a Comp Price Type. You can specified seated or unseated. Additionally, a ticket can have its attendance flag set too true if the patron attended the performance or digital event.
A source allows you to track the origination of an order for reporting in Tessitura. A source must be set at a form level but can also be set as a URL parameter to override the form value. This allows for more granular reporting for campaigns.
Sales Channel
Each order can have a Sales Channel recorded. This value can be used to identify all orders that originated from your account. Typically, the Sales channel is set to Donate2 but you can use any value available.
Tessitura has an HTML templating system that can be used to send receipts directly from Tessitura. You can create as many templates as you want and assign them to forms as needed.
Original Source
When a new account is created, an original source will be assigned. This helps identify any new accounts and what processes created the record.
Guest Login
Guest Login will always look for a match on the login type and email address using Tessitura’s Guest Login API logic. If it finds a matching email attached to the designated login type, it is used to transact with the Constituent record. If there isn't an existing login with the associated matching email address, a new account is created.
Multi-Login Types
Logins are used to allow constituents to access their records through a website for purchases, donations and personal data updates. With our integration you can specify a primary login type and a fallback login type.
Activate Inactive Constituent
The inactivate setting on the Constituent is used to inactivate the currently selected constituent record. Inactive constituent records can be viewed but they cannot be edited and therefore cannot be selected for contributions or ticket orders. An inactive constituent record can be reactivated in order to place an order.
Constituencies are markers you can add to a constituent record to indicate important information about the constituent. Frequently, constituencies are used to indicate the nature of the relationship that the constituent has with your organization, such as subscriber, donor, board member, or VIP. Start and end dates make them perfect for access control to streaming products.
Gift Certificate Redemption
In Tessitura, a gift certificate is a type of payment method used to hold a credit that can be accessed by any constituent using a unique gift certificate number. When redeemed, the full amount does not need to be used in a single transaction; the gift certificate can be reused to redeem the remaining balance.
Contact Permissions
Contact permissions on constituent records are used to manage communication and data sharing opt-in's or opt-out's. Contact permission functionality can be used to meet the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) in the UK.
Customer Service Issues
Customer Service Issues (CSIs) are stored in Tessitura and can be used to record and internally communicate constituent responses, requests, and special needs. Contact Method, Activity, and Type Origin can be configured. CSI's are created for Recurring Donations, On Account, General Purpose, and Address Collection.
“At Seattle Children’s Theatre we are thrilled with the way L2 has solved one of the biggest obstacles in giving — making it easy. For years we have heard complaints from donors as they have struggled through clunky giving portals, but with Donate2 Donation Forms, the experience is seamless. The donor is able to give in a click or two, and the Tessitura backend is as easy as if they had logged it in directly themselves.”